CT Scanning

Computed Tomography (CT) is an advanced X-ray examination in which X-rays are used to create images of section of the body.

It is fast and able to obtain very thin slices of the body to demonstrate normal anatomy and disease.

It is the modality of choice for imaging of the lungs and bones where special reconstruction can be done to create 3D images.

Due to the radiation from the x-rays, its use in children and pregnant women is restricted for cases where the benefit outweighs any risk.

Other types of CT Scans

CT Contrast

This is a dye use to enhance the appearance of the body organs so as to pick out disease.

It is usually injected in vein on the arm.

Patients undergoing tests with contrast require proof of good kidney function. A test known as serum creatinine is usually required and has to be normal before the dye is injected.

CT Angio

In CT Angiography a dye is injected in the veins and images of the blood vessels are created by fast imaging.

This can be used to create images of the vessels in;

  • The brain – Cerebral angiogram and venogram,
  • The chest- CT pulmonary angiogram
  • The aorta- CT aortogram.
  • And the extremities – CT upper and lower limb peripheral angiogram.

Specialist exams such as CT program or pyelogram are used to investigate diseases of the urinary tract.

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