
In Ultrasound, high-frequency sound is used to create images of the body. It is the modality of choice in imaging of pregnancy, reproductive organs, and thyroid gland and breast in young patients. During an ultrasound scan a gel is applied to the skin to exclude air and images are obtained by moving a probe on the skin.

Fasting is required in ultrasound scans of the abdomen to reduce bowel gas which degrades the quality of the image and to distend the gallbladder to demonstrate diseases such as gallstones better.

A full bladder is required for pelvic scans, scans of the bladder, and early pregnancy less than 12 weeks. In these scans, the urine in the distended bladder acts as a window through which the desired organs are imaged. It also displaces the bowel away thus improving the quality of the examination.

Doppler Ultrasound

Doppler ultrasound is a special exam in which ultrasound is used to image the blood vessels. This demonstrates blood clots in the deep veins known as deep venous thrombosis, and blockages in the arteries.

Renal Doppler is a special ultrasound of the kidney blood vessels used in assessing patients with high blood pressure especially in the young.

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Ultrasound is used to guide the biopsy of tumors and Fine needle aspiration (FNA).

At Precise Diagnostic Imaging, we perform ultrasound-guided FNA ultrasound-guided fluid aspiration and ultrasound-guided biopsy of the breast, prostate, and abdominal tumors.

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